Tag Archives : Mat-Cha-Doh

日本伝統三道(華道、茶道、書道)がテーマ スペシャルプログラムの一端を担う ゲストの滞在をより豊かなものにすることを目指し、「華道・茶道・書道」をテーマとしたスペシャルプログラムを展開。 抹茶道は、都内ホテルにて「野点茶道」の企画・実施に携わらせていただきました。 裏千家若手茶道家の清々しいパフォーマンスと共に和菓子・抹茶をご提供。本格的なしつらえ(京都に居るかのようなスペシャルな空間) に国内外からお越しの多くのゲストが集まり、大変華やかなお茶会となりました。   お客様のご要望 一過性のキャンペーンで終わらず、次につながるプラン実績を作りたい インバウンドブームの盛り上がりに頼るのではなく、地域に根付いた、その土地ならではの体験を提供したい 長く愛してもらえるホテルで在れるよう、一人ひとりに向けたおもてなしを行っていきたい   成果 日本の伝統文化とのコラボレーションによって、日本ならではのスペシャルな体験の提供を実現 茶道(一期一会のおもてなし)を通して、ゲスト一人ひとりと交流   プロジェクトの背景 抹茶道が選ばれた経緯 日本が誇る伝統文化体験プランを提供している ホテルのコンセプト「日本ならではの体験」「心地よい空間」「一人ひとりに合わせたおもてなし」との親和性が高い 裏千家の茶道家をアレンジできる 評価いただいた上記要素を最大限に活かすべく、お客様と議論を重ねた結果、「多くの人が行き交うロビーで行う野点茶道」をご提案。裏千家茶道家と共に、ロビーに秋の野点席を演出しました。その日、その時、そのゲストとしか成立しないお茶会(一期一会のおもてなし)を皆様に愉しんでいただきました。   スタッフの写真   他事例やプログラムを見る ご希望に応じてプランいたしますので、まずは、お気軽にお問い合わせください 読み込んでいます…


Shodo Experience (Japanese Calligraphy) in Tokyo Mat-Cha-Doh was interviewed by “Russia Today”, a Russian TV company, about its Japanese calligraphy program. When we asked the representative the reason for their interest, she responded, “We have great respect for the traditions that are such a foundation of Japanese culture, particularly Japanese calligraphy. Because of this we pitched a TV program to introduce Japanese calligraphy to Russian audiences.” We were extremely flattered to learn that she chose Mat-Cha-Doh among a number of candidates “as your program was the most interesting and attractive”. Our plan does not just teach how to put brush […]

Tour Report – Jan. 22nd, 2020

Authentic Cha-kaiseki (a five-course traditional cuisine) and Tea Ceremony in Tokyo We have welcomed a wonderful couple from Bath, England to our tea ceremony room in Futako Tamagawa. They were visiting Japan to watch the Rugby World Cup Tournament. They said they picked our workshop because of its authentic style. The husband said “I will ask lots of questions today!” and the time we shared turned into a beautiful moment filled with intelligence and humor. We talked about the decorations on the alcove (hanging scroll, flowers, incense burner), the tea ceremony, its history and the background, etc. As you can […]

Tour Report – Oct. 2nd, 2019

Green Tea and Wagashi Delights in Tokyo We have welcomed a wonderful guest to our tea ceremony room in Toritsudai. She is from Nebraska, USA, but currently working for a Manila branch of a global company. She is interested in the tea culture and Zen and therefore participated in our tea ceremony workshop. She not only enjoyed as a guest but challenged in preparing matcha tea. Looks like she has a talent! She was so kind as to prepare a bowl of tea and served me the most wonderful tea I ever had in my life. “It was a short […]

Tour Report –Aug. 26th, 2019

Enjoy Wagashi Making with Uji Matcha Tea in Tokyo We have welcomed a wonderful aunt and niece pair from the States, (Georgia and California) to our Japanese sweets making workshop. This is a high school graduation gift from the Aunt and their first visit to Asia. The niece had a strong interest for our workshop as she loves making sweets and she always wanted to learn the authentic method to prepare Japanese sweets. She was very determined during the workshop. They were very laid back and sweet. We admired how much they cared about each other and their smiles showed […]

Tour Report –Jun. 28th, 2019

Authentic Cha-kaiseki (a five-course traditional cuisine) and Tea Ceremony in Tokyo Our tea ceremony plan at Futako-tamagawa has been used to entertain important guests. The members were a hosting family living in Japan (a couple and their daughter and son-in-law) and the guests, their client and her daughter from LA. It turned out to be a happy gathering full of family and warmth. The guest (mother) is interested in pottery and was fascinated by the bowls and utensils. One of the pleasures in tea ceremony is to take a close look and appreciate the tools used to serve the tea. […]

Tour Report – May 10th, 2019